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Laparoscopy (Keyhole Surgery)

Find out more about our Laparoscopy service

Laparoscopy cases referred to Brighton Veterinary Referrals are seen by vets Vicky Butler-Ball and Nicky Ross.

Click here to find out more about Vicky and Nicky.

Laparoscopy is often referred to as ‘keyhole surgery’, and is a minimally invasive technique. The benefits of laparoscopy are lower risk, smaller surgery wounds and a faster recovery time. Our primary laproscopy service covers laprascopic neutering (spaying) of female dogs and removal of cryptorchid (retained) testicles in male dogs. We can also offer non-routine laparoscopy services such as liver biopsies.

Our laparoscopy referral services include:

  • Elective neutering (keyhole spaying) of female dogs
  • Cryptorchid castration (keyhole removal of retained testicles) in male dogs
  • Exploratory laparoscopy
  • Laparoscopic biopsy of the liver and other organs
  • Laparoscopy-assisted gastropexy in large- and giant-breed dogs to prevent GDV (“bloat”)

Refer a patient

For routine referrals your vet will need to fill in our online referrals form and we’ll contact you directly to schedule an appointment.


If you’re a client of our Brighton or Peacehaven Clinic we can organise referral for laparoscopic surgery directly – just ask a vet, nurse or receptionist.


If you’d like to discuss a referral, please contact us on 01273 540430.

Online Referrals Form

Advice for Owners

We recommend you attend an initial consultation two weeks prior to the procedure. The majority of laparoscopy patients are discharged on the same day at a prearranged appointment time.

In the event that your pet has been referred to us for a laparoscopy procedure, we have included some helpful advice to ensure your appointment goes as smoothly as possible for both you and your pet:

Please note the following considerations regarding laparoscopic referral:

  • We will ask you to attend a free pre-operative consultation two weeks prior to your pet’s surgery appointment so we can check this procedure is suitable for them. Keyhole surgery has very specific, albeit low, risks associated with it, which will be explained during this appointment.
  • The hair clip required for a keyhole neutering procedure is wider than a traditional spay. There’s always a possibility that a keyhole procedure may need to be converted to a conventional operation if complications arise.
  • For laparoscopic referrals, Brighton Veterinary Referrals provides all post-operative care from our Brighton Clinic. If you would prefer for your own vet to be responsible for routine post-operative care, please ensure this is arranged with us at your pre-operative consultation.
  • The minimal-sized wounds created during a keyhole procedure are closed with buried, suture materials that will dissolve in a few weeks and do not need to be removed.
  • As with any procedure requiring an anaesthetic, please ensure your pet is starved overnight prior to their surgery.